- current
- электроток, электрический ток- balanced current
- bias current
- biasing current
- breaking current
- carrier current
- charging current
- continuous current
- control current
- cutoff current
- dark current
- deflecting current
- direct current
- discharging current
- drain current
- erasing current
- estimated load current
- exchange current
- extraneous current
- filament current
- focusing current
- holding current
- influencing current
- line current
- line sweep current
- linear current
- loading current
- low-frequency current
- magnetizing current
- making current
- nonsinusoidal current
- optimal current
- peak current
- periodical current
- phase current
- positive current
- push-pull current
- radio-frequency current
- recording current
- ringing current
- root-mean-square current
- saturation current
- sawtooth current
- sinusoidal current
- source current
- spacing current
- standard current
- stray current
- supply current
- switching current
- symistor control current
- threshold current
- total current
- transmission line current
- triggering current
- typical current
- unbalanced current
- unidirectional current
- uninterruptible current
- video current
- write current
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations. A.V. Alexandrov.. 2004.